Weekly Portfolio Summary

Once again, it's been awhile since I've provided an update or completed missing quarterly reviews. Time to put in some extra work and get caught up. To start out with, my portfolio has been under performing the S&P 500 this year. As of today, I'm just over 2% behind the S&P 500. I'm finding this to be quite frustrating and am trying to figure out what/how/why that is the case after last year's over performance. I have yet to figure out the solution, as many of these companies are still just as great as they always have been, but they've been out of favor in the market for the last couple months. This is potentially a temporary thing and a test to my conviction in the holdings. That said, there are other factors to consider as well. The US Dollar has leveled off and shown a little strength with the rise of interest rates and lack of similar actions in other reasons, for example. And to top that off, Trump just elected Larry K...