Weekly Portfolio Summary

The market turned out to have a positive week overall, as did my portfolio, though I under performed the S&P 500 yet again. The moves, while positive, aren't exactly something that is causing any euphoria with me at this point. We were so over sold, as a market, that this was bound to happen. I'd even go so far as to say that the fact that the market has been going up slightly via violent upward and downward swings gives me more reason to be cautious of this move as a sign of more downward trends to come, rather than upwards. Let's dig into this a little more. There are a couple people that focus on very different styles of technical analysis. I do this because I'm an amateur and I dive more into fundamentals than technicals when researching. I've found them to be respectfully accurate (no one is accurate all the time, after all) and recently have been more right than wrong. Oddly enough, both of them and their differe...