
Showing posts from September, 2017

Trade: On Semiconductor

Today, after making an accidental buy trade, I sold essentially what was 12% of my stake of the stock at a price of $8.13.  At the time of the sale, my remaining stake, after previous transactions, had amassed an increase of almost 100%.  I decided this was the right time to follow discipline and remove the remaining investment I had in the stock.  The stock price was over 5% higher than my price target (and closed even higher yet). and I could use that money for new investments.  I also am concerned that the stock's price is starting to get ahead of what it's capable of earning over the next twelve to eighteen months.  After the close of today's business, the holding continues to be a 5.3% holding in my portfolio. While I do want to caution the stock's run, I also want to note that I do see strength in the stock's future.  Their focus on automation, AI, and self-driving cars are key factors to the stock's run and its future potential right now. ...

Weekly Portfolio Summary

Another week of business is in the books.  Now that summer is unofficially over, people are getting back to work and volume should be on the rise in the markets yet again.  Markets were down slightly on the week and my portfolio was essentially flat.   In terms of macro events, the issues with North Korea calmed down while Trump's announcement to end the DACA and put a few hundred thousand kids at risk of deportation took to the front page along with the President's surprising dealing with democratic leaders to extend the debt ceiling for 3 months coupled with an aid package for the impact of Hurricane Harvey in Houston.   At this time, macro news like the ones mentioned and the likes of Hurricane Imra hitting Florida now impact the overall markets until early October when we start getting third quarter reports from companies.  So in short, there won't be a lot going on for now and that does leave room for the market to pull back some.     ...

Market-based Portfolio Assessment

The major market indexes took a bit of a hit today and I thought I'd take a quick review of my portfolio in co ordinance with that action and how it may affect things.  First, I feel we are seeing two major news events impact the markets right now.  The primary focus is related to North Korea and the potential that they just tested a hydrogen bomb.  While the situation and potential scenarios are certainly alarming, I currently do not see them having an impact on my portfolio looking out twelve to eighteen months.  Times like this typically draw panic and it's better to be prepared to handle that panic than it is to join in the foray.  The second event is Hurricane Irma forming into a Category 5 storm in the Atlantic.  Current path projections have the storm most likely going right up through the Caribbean and through Florida and some of the southeast coast.  Category 5 hurricanes produces mass amounts of damage and has the potential to rival that ...

Weekly Portfolio Summary

So it's been since like April since I've done one of these summaries.  I'm not going to take a lot of time talking about what's been going on here this time, because of that fact and let you get caught up on where I stand since the second quarter analysis I've provided over the last number of weeks.  That said, I do want to call out that I have taken on a new position over the last few months.  I have gotten into the iShares MCI Eurozone ETF.  I am preparing for what may be a corrective period where we start to see the rest of the world grow more through recovery from the Great Recession.  The US has out performed global markets and is valued higher than much of the rest of world.  While it's not accurate to say that the rest of the world should be evenly valued, it is fair to say we've grown so much more than usual that the rest of the world is going to have to catch up some.  This means we may start seeing slower growth in the US, maybe the S...