Weekly Portfolio Summary

Major indices took a breather this week as the S&P 500 pulled back 1.4% while all eyes were fixated on Washington DC. The focus here was on the House's attempt to pass their AHCA bill, which had very weak support nationally speaking. Getting the Republican votes necessary to pass the bill and send it to the Senate for battle proved impossible and no push or negotiation from the President seemed to conjure any extra buy-in. The markets appear to be trying to digest all of this news and extrapolate it into what they really care about - tax reform. Worries that the AHCA battles would drag on certainly brought more caution in, however much of the speak is that with this current failure, the house will likely put this aside and move on to tax reform. I believe there's a worry that if the President couldn't get the repeal and replace through successfully, what are the chances he'll have success on other endeavors. Tax cuts are typically easier...