Trade: On Semiconductor

Notes: Stock Ratings: 1 = buy at current stock prices, 2 = buy on a 5-10% dip in stock price, 3 = sell on a 5-10% increase in stock price, 4 = sell at current stock prices to raise cash. Ratings are based upon 12-18 month outlook on stock direction and not necessarily related to moves I make due to financial positioning. Today I sold 40% of my stake of On Semiconductor at a price of $15.90. At the time of the sale, my position had gained over 87% in valuation and 42% of that increase has been since the first week in December. While the stock did report spectacular results and a favorable guidance, I don't feel this strong of a move in just a couple months is likely to be sustainable. As such, I needed to follow my own disciplines and take out some of my gains to protect me from down side risk. I'm aware the stock technicals are still quite strong, indicating the stock could run more, but by taking out a large majority of what I've invested, I'm now...