Weekly Portfolio Summary

If you love wild roller coasters, this week's market was right up your alley. After opening up on Monday with the Dow down over 1000 points (no, that's not a typo) the market worked it's way back to about even through wild swings both up and down. Talk about taking lumps and learning lessons! My broker wasn't functioning the best, plus I wasn't ready for something like this. As such, I saw opportunities, like Pepsi down around $82, Home Depot, down 20%, Isis registering under $43, Citigroup under $47, and both Honeywell and Cedar Fair at rather juicy prices. Not a single trade executed, though. I panicked. We were down that much, we could go down more. I should wait for some confirmation that the down side is at least slowing. It slowed - right back to going up, and then back down, but never to those prices again, before charging ahead again. The one thing I did do, was finally pull in that cash infusion I had always talked...