Weekly Portfolio Summary

Last I wrote, I said there was nothing happening this week. Well, that was both true and false. I completely forgot about the 2-day Fed meetings that were held and how people were eager to cling to their every word to determine what might happen with rates. However, in the grands scheme of things, it was virtually a non-event. The Fed didn't tell us much more than they have been already and people weren't expecting a hike at this meeting anyway. After that fiasco was completed, all attention immediately jumped to the ever continuing woes with Greece and the "Will they or won't they default" chatter. In my mind, Greece defaulting does little more than create a period of panic with little actual reason for it. Maybe I'm being too passive, but as I look at my portfolio, at least, I just don't see the risks. Stocks will probably get hit regardless, though, and that may create opportunities to put money to work. Outside of the pending Gre...