Weekly Portfolio Summary

The market wasn't lacking in volatility as we saw both the biotechs and semis take a sudden, dramatic hit. The biotech market you could sense was getting hot, however the semis caught me by at least a little surprise. News from memory chip maker SanDisk pre-announcing to the down side for earnings started things, but what I believe to be the big impact was an analyst downgrade of Taiwan Semiconductor due, in large part, to inventories growing out of control for their top-5 customers. By the end of the week, biotechs appear to already be putting a bottom into their pullback, which feels shallow. Semis are still unstable, however news that Intel is in talks with Altera may put in a floor if it turns into something serious. At the same time, we're about to enter April and tech tends to swoon in the April-May time frame and don't generally recover until the end of summer. There's a lot going on here and a lot to pay attention to for those holding sto...