Wagons are circling again
It's that time again. Time to circle the wagons. As I sit here looking at how the market has acted as of the last 2 weeks and recognizing I'm just starting a new slew of earnings reports, I recognize the second quarter isn't likely to be as friendly as the first was to us and it's time I stake my position, make my predictions, and try to establish some semblance of a plan. Once again, I'm nothing more than a rookie, doing this more as a hobby with desires to improve upon my abilities day after day. Had I a teacher, I'd be informed "I have much to learn." as I hang my head in shame. So where do we begin? Well, no better place than with what I have now, I guess. I still have the same 7 stocks and I have successfully managed to make sure I have cash on hand to buy things that strike my fancy. The one thing I can say is that I don't really want to hold more than 7 stocks. Considering BWEN as a stock I still hold is a tough pill to take. ...